Address | Proposal | Shrewsbury Town Council Decision |
Proposed Residential Development Site Off |
Approval of reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) pursuant to permission 11/03087/OUTfor erection of 230 dwellings including affordable homes; associated garaging; creation of ecological area and play areas |
Objection |
Application Date: | ||
Application Notes: | ||
Members do not object to the principle of developing this site but they are disappointed that no pre-consultation discussions have taken place. They would welcome the opportunity to meet the developers and discuss the layout of the site. Of particular concern, they feel that good access to the site is vital to the success of the scheme and this was an issue that was made strongly by local representation to the SAMDev consultation process. The proposed one access point to serve 500 properties is inadequate and the Town Council would resprectfully ask that the developers revisits this aspect as it is likely to be a contentious topic for local residents. Members also question the safety of the play area given the proximity to what must be considered as SUDs features. More understanding is required to ascertain whether those SUDs are likely to have any long-term water build-up that might be a safety concern for young people. Members also question the location of the play area and can only conclude that it has been positioned where it is as it is undevelopable land rather than in the best location. Members are surprised at the close proximity of some of the houses to the high voltage powerlines and pylons. They ask that current guidance is sought and followed to ensure the safety of residents. |