Address | Proposal | Shrewsbury Town Council Decision |
Proposed Retail Unit East Of Unit 8 |
Removal of existing structures and construction of a A1 Use Class retail development and all associated works including car park alterations, access, servicing and landscaping |
Objection |
Application Date: | ||
Application Notes: | ||
The Town Council feels that this application should be considered in parallel with 17/00529/FUL, 17/00369/FUL and 17/00391/FUL to take into account the cumulative impact of all the potential developments for this site and the exacerbated traffic issues within both the retail park and the outlying highways which need to be addressed. The Town Council has no objection in principle to the plans and before any further development of the Retail Park takes place, members would like to see a comprehensive transport and access plan developed to mitigate the traffic problems encountered in this area. Members respectfully request that this planning application is considered by the Central Planning Committee. |