Shrewsbury Town Council is comprised of 17 councillors representing 17 wards. Town Councillors are elected every 4 years with the next elections due in May 2025. The Town Council is served by a Town Clerk, the senior officer of the Town Council, and approximately 60 other full and part time staff, the majority of whom work to maintain the outdoor spaces and play areas for which the Town is responsible.
Day-to-day management of the services delivered by the Town Council is the responsibility of the Town Clerk who works closely with Town Councillors to deliver the decisions made at the various committees. The work of the Town Council is funded through a precept on Council Tax payers within the Shrewsbury town area and from income raised through letting out the Town Council’s sports pitches, markets and properties, as well as work it carries out for Shropshire Council.
The Town Council is chaired by the Town Mayor who, together with a Deputy Mayor, is elected each year at the Annual Town Council meeting (held April/May). Both the Mayor and Deputy Mayor have busy diaries visiting local community groups and organisations and representing Shrewsbury at events elsewhere within the County.
A budget for the forthcoming financial year (starting in April) is set in January when projects are identified for the coming year. These projects are likely to include refurbishment and replacement of play equipment, improvements to Town Council facilities and possible development of new initiatives for the benefit of local people.
The Town Council works closely with Shropshire Council, and its various partners, to ensure as seamless a service as possible for Shrewsbury residents; however, this is sometimes difficult given the complexity of the land holding and environmental responsibilities of the individual organisations. Regrettably, on rare occasions, some people may feel they are passed backwards and forwards between these local organisations while an area responsibility is identified. Wait times may be minimised if callers can be as specific as possible about their queries, and the geographical area they concern. Many of our Town Councillors are also Shropshire Councillors and may be able to help direct your call to the relevant person or department.