Shelton Community Woodland
Shelton Community Woodland covers 3Ha and is managed by Shrewsbury Town Council’s Countryside team. The area of nature conservation sits within the greater Shorncliffe Drive Recreation area which includes a BMX track, MUGA, Skate Park and pitches.
The Community Woodland was created in the 1990’s using grant money and was planted by staff and volunteers. The site not completely covered by woodland though and includes a large area of meadow, part of which is re-seeded with annual wild flowers each autumn.
There are floral records for this site which include Lesser Trefoil, Oxeye Daisy, Annual Pearlwort, Meadow Foxtail, Comon Mouse-ear, Germander Speedwell and Black Medick.
The large tarmac area was used as a marching ground when the Copthorne military barracks was still active.
How to get there
Shelton Community Woodland is situated in the Copthorne area of Shrewsbury off Shelton Road and forms part of Shorncliffe Drive Recreation area.
There are paths through the woodland which can get a little muddy in places after high rainfall. You can walk around the meadow and pitches which are mostly dry year round.
Car parking
The site is only accessible on foot so please be courteous to local residents if parking on the nearby roads.
Grid reference
The grid reference for the centre of the site is SJ 471 247
The post code is SY3 8TD.