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Mayors Diary

Preview Evening of Bellevue Arts Festival Art Exhibition

This event is to be held on Tuesday 11th June 2024 as part of the Bellevue Arts Festival. Venue: Barnabas Church Centre Shrewsbury. 7.30-9pm We would love it to be formally opened by our new Mayor.

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SYA Grand Opening

SYA will be opening its new HQ on 16th July and are inviting local dignitaries, businesses and supporters to join us in a celebration and to have a look inside this fabulous new facility. We would be honoured to host the Mayor as our guest to help us officially declare the building open. We would…

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High Sheriff Shropshire Outstanding Young Citizenship Awards 2024

Read more about High Sheriff Shropshire Outstanding Young Citizenship Awards 2024

High Sheriff Shropshire Legal Service

Read more about High Sheriff Shropshire Legal Service

International Community Buffet and Bulgarian Independence Day!

We would like to invite you to celebrate with us Bulgarian Independence Day. Our friends from the Bulgarian Sunday School will talk about their celebration and they will also share with you their culture and traditions. Maybe you can join them in singing? Buffet: We will take you on a short trip around the world.…

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New shop opening

New opening of our new unique Cuesport and Dart shop on Frankwell Road Simon Shrewsbury Sy3 8JU

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Shrewsbury Music Festival

This is part of Shrewsbury Music Festival weekend – a new initiate that took place last summer for the first time. Building on the success of last year, we are presenting an evening gala performance at Shrewsbury Abbey of Edward Elgar’s Dream of Gerontius with Shrewsbury Festival Chorus, a choir of about 80 singers from…

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The 90’s Revival 4th Birthday Radio Show

The 90's Revival is an online and radio show that started just before the Lockdowns and became very popular over the following months. The show on the 23rd March is to celebrate our 4th Birthday.

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Depot Visit and Soupersonic cooking session

Welcome and introduction to our charity – we redistribute surplus food for environmental and social good. In 2022/23, our volunteers rescued 217 tonnes of good food from going to waste – mitigating 555 tonnes of damaging greenhouse gases, and enough for 518,000 meals! Our food nourishes 60 community groups including Shropshire Supports Refugees, youth groups,…

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Berwick Almshouse Charity Trustees Meeting

Annual General Meeting of Trustees of Berwick Almshouse Charity

Read more about Berwick Almshouse Charity Trustees Meeting

Opening of a dance school

Identity school of dance is opening its very pen dance studio and will be holding an open day where students, parents carers and the public can come down to the premises and see the studio for the first time, enjoy the entertainment and cut the ribbon. We would love for the mayor to come down…

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Shrewsbury Choral Concert

Yuzuan Zoa this remarkable pianist returns to perform Tchaikovsky Piano concert No 1 followed by a performance of Cherubini's Requiem by Shrewsbury Choral . Shrewsbury Sinfonia will accompany both pieces

Read more about Shrewsbury Choral Concert