Official opening of Bellevue Arts Festival Art Exhibition
We would love the Mayor to officially open the art exhibition on the evening of Tuesday 6th June 2023. This is part of a two week annual community festival. The art exhibition is to be held at Barnabas Community Church Centre in Coleham.
Military Matchday – STFC
This annual event, hosted and organised by Shrewsbury Town FC Foundation and the Shropshire Armed Forces Covenant team, highlights the contribution of Armed Forces Veterans, as well as showcasing the commitment of our current members of the military. As well as enjoying the match, supporters can spend time in the Forces Fan Park, where they…
International community buffet
We live in a multinational and multicultural region and we would like to present dishes from all over the world. We hope you will join us with all your families! Buffet: We will take you on a short trip around the world. You will meet amazing people from different cultures and backgrounds. You will have…
Dementia Support Information Day
The number of people across Shropshire suffering from Dementia is dramatically increasing. A lot of the time, information isn’t readily available to patients and their loved ones, thus making people’s journey’s harder. I am giving the chance for people to talk to 30+ different organisations at a Dementia Awareness Event, organised by Radfield Home Care,…
Wreath laying at St Mary’s Church
Annual event held at St Mary's Church, wreaths laid by Shrewsbury RBL Shrewsbury Town Council and the Society of St George.
Wreath Laying at War Graves Longden Road Cemetery.
An annual event held at the Cemetery. Wreaths laid by Shrewsbury Branch RBL, War Graves Commission, Shrewsbury Town Mayor, Coleham School, Priory School and SCAT.
International Women’s Day
We would like to invite you to attend Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service to be a guest speaker on International Women's Day, or a date close to this. This can be in person or online, our HQ is based in Shrewsbury. We would like to promote Senior women in our communities as role models and…
This is the Greatest show
Musical Theatre performance in Shrewsbury
This is the Greatest show
Musical Theatre performance in Shrewsbury