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The Hive’s Looked After Children Project Showcase

The Hive is running a band-building project for Looked After Children, in partnership with Shropshire Council Virtual Schools service 21st-25th August and we would be honoured if The Mayor could attend the showcase performance by this small group of young people and Hive music leaders at The Hive, on Fri 25th August, 2-3.30pm.

The showcase performances are an excellent opportunity for the young people involved in a music project to show the skills they have learned, gain confidence in their performance abilities, feel proud of their achievements, and be part of a close team with their peers, who they've shared this unique experience with all week.

They are often very uplifting, but also can be quite emotional, as they lyrics penned by these young people are so honest, raw and heartfelt. Bring tissues!

Due to summer holidays we will be short-staffed, but two of our Board members will be around for the performance. Our Lead Programmes & Projects Manager Sarah will be around, as will Josh Wilson, our Venue & Projects Assistant. Friends, families, foster families, and support workers of the young people will be attending as audience.

Apologies for the short notice of invitation, this is due to the nature of the complex situations/safeguarding needs of the group and ensuring dignitaries are allowed to attend, also due to short staffing at The Hive over summer holidays and making sure that Board members can attend and assist our small team on the day.