Planning Committee – 26/04/2016
Meeting Agenda Items
To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 5 April 2016 (enclosed).
(i) 16/000600/REM – Proposed Residential Development Land North Of, Nobold Lane, Shrewsbury, Shropshire – Reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) pursuant to Outline planning permission ref 14/03050/OUT for the erection of 2 no. dwellings.
To receive an update on the plans for this proposal by Mr Niall Jenkins in the light of updated plans received.
Meeting 15.03.2016 – STC Decision – Defer
The Town Council is unable to determine the details of this application from the drawings submitted and would respectfully request that professional plans are drawn up to enable members to consider these proposals in full.(ii) 15/02481/OUT – Quarry View House, 34 New Street, Shrewsbury – Outline application for the erection of two dwellings to include means of access
To note that an Appeal has been made to the Secretary of State against the decision by Shropshire Council to refuse to grant planning permission for the above proposal.
Meeting 14.07.2016 – STC Decision – Objection
The Town Council objects to this application on the grounds that the proposed development site sits on a flood plain. In addition, members are opposed to any reduction in the green corridor along the river side as a result of any development.(iii) 16/00941/FUL – Lucroft Hotel, Castle Gates, Shrewsbury, SY1 2AD – Change of Use of guest rooms to a house of multiple occupancy (short hold tenancies) “sui generis” use (amended description)
To re-examine the application in the light of amended plans received.
Meeting – 15.03.2016 – STC Decision – Defer
The Town Council is unable to determine the details of this application from the information provided and would respectfully request that more particulars are available to enable members to consider these proposals in full. Members have concerns in respect of the number of units to be created in the property and what type of occupancy the business is hoping to secure.(iv) 16/00960/FUL – 20 Frankwell, Shrewsbury, SY3 8JY – Erection of single storey extension to rear of shop premises
To re-examine the application in the light of amended plans received.
Meeting 15.03.2016 – STC Decision – No Objection
(v) 16/01327/OUT – Monkmoor Trading Estate, Monkmoor Road, Shrewsbury, Shropshire – Outline application (all matters reserved) for residential development.
To re-examine the application in the light of additional information received.
Meeting 05.04.2016 – Support with Comment
Whilst the Town Council is generally supportive of this application, members have concerns that the whole site is being promoted as “open market housing” and would like to see the developers include provision for social housing of up to 15% of the total number of properties for the development.(vi) 15/05091/FUL – Land Adj 38 Longden Road, Shrewsbury, Shropshire – Erection of two residential dwellings; formation of driveway
To re-examine the application in the light of amended plans received.
Meeting 15.12.2015 – STC Decision – Objection
The Town Council has objected to the previous applications for this land as they feel that any development would encroach onto a rare green corridor in Shrewsbury, which they feel should be preserved for the benefit of both the residents and the wildlife in the area. Members are adamant that the green spaces within Shrewsbury should be protected and preserved without question and they have concerns that the proposals will have a negative visual impact to the detriment of a variety of people who use the area as an outdoor recreation space. The development will set a precedence of urban creep into the Rad Valley and an erosion of valuable green space. Shrewsbury Town Council objects to this application.
Meeting 23/02/2016 – STC Decision – Objection
The Town Council has considered the updated plans for this application and in the light of few obvious changes to the details, members feel that their objections remained as previously stated.Attachments:
To consider the following highways matters received from Shropshire Council prior to the meeting:
(i) Racecourse Lane, Shrewsbury – Closure to Motor Vehicles
To consider Shropshire Council’s proposals to prohibit all motor vehicles on part of Racecourse Lane, Shrewsbury.
(ii) Coleham School Safety Scheme
To consider Shropshire Council’s proposals to construct flat top road humps across the full width of the carriageway on Greyfriars Road, Shrewsbury in order to reduce the speed of the traffic at:
– outside properties numbered 5-7
– 30m north of its junction with Belle Vue Road(iii) Speed Restrictions – Mousecroft Lane and Nobold Lane
To note Shropshire Council’s introduction of a 30mph speed limit on the whole of Mousecroft Lane and Nobold Lane from its junction with A488 Hanwood Road to a point 16 metres south of its junction with Mousecroft Lane and will be introduced on 15 April 2016.
(iv) Speed Restrictions – Roman Road Roundabout
To note Shropshire Council’s proposal to reduce the speed limit from 40mph to 30 mph on the Roman Road Roundabout as follows:
– From a point of 40m south-east of its junction with Longden Road, to a point 45m north-west of said junction including Longden Road Roundabout.
(v) Shropshire Council Street Naming & Numbering
16/02563/NEWDEV – 173 Units at Longden Road – Proposed Residential Development Between Mousecroft Land & Longden Road, Shrewsbury
To consider Shropshire Council’s Street Naming and Numbering Department’s proposals for the new street names at this development.
The developer has researched along the history of the Tanners & Drapers in the town and with this in mind they have proposed the following suggestions for street names:
1. Tannersdale (tanners – leather industry in the 14th Century which helped to grow the town in the 14th Century)
2. Drapers Rise (after the 14th century drapers who achieved Guild Status by Royal Charter in 1462)
3. Mercers Lane (after the retailers of the cloth)
4. Mercers Close (as above)
5. Freeman Place (part of the Guild)
6. Chantry Place (after Chantry Chapel – part still exists in St Mary’s Church)
7. Shearman Lane (after the woollen cloth finishers)
8. Staple Close (after the trading centre for the woollen cloth industry which moved to Shrewsbury in 1620)Attachments:
To consider any Tree Preservation Orders received prior to the meeting.
To consider the following premises licence applications received from Shropshire Council.
Schedules of Planning Applications for Shrewsbury Town Council Area
(i) To consider submitting comments and/or objections on the following applications for planning consent contained in the following schedules: List of valid applications registered between 6 – 26 April 2016.
Schedules of Planning Decisions
(ii) To receive details of any decisions made by Shropshire Council which conflict with Shrewsbury Town Council’s comments taken between 6 – 26 April 2016.