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New Mayor of Shrewsbury takes Office

The new Mayor of Shrewsbury has been elected into office at the annual meeting of Shrewsbury Town Council.

The Mayor-making ceremony was held at Theatre Severn on Monday and saw Councillor Tony Durnell take over the role of civic leader from former Mayor, Councillor Kath Owen.

Councillor Keith Roberts was also appointed as Deputy Mayor.

Shrewsbury’s Mayors are selected according to their years of service, rather than their political allegiance, in line with the tradition of the former borough council.

Councillor Durnell said: “It’s a real honour bestowed upon me as Mayor. This is a beautiful town and I am proud of every bit of it. I am Shrewsbury through and through – I’m like a stick of rock, if you cut me in half you would find Shrewsbury stamped in the middle. I will do my best to make this town proud.”

Councillor Durnell also thanked Councillor Kath Owen for her hard work and commitment throughout her mayoral year.

“I’d like to thank Kath Owen for what she has achieved during her year in office,” said Councillor Durnell.

“She has been a great help to me as Deputy Mayor, showing me the ropes and advising me on what to do. She has prepared me well for my time as Mayor.”

Outgoing Mayor Councillor Kath Owen said her year in office had been ‘wonderful.’

“It has been such an honour to serve Shrewsbury Town as Mayor for the last year, “she said.

“I have had the privilege of attending some wonderful and superb occasions and met some amazing people.

 “We should never let go of the mayoralty in this town, it is a great tradition.

“This year has been wonderful and I shall never forget it.”

Councillor Durnell will now be officially sworn in at a civic service held at St Chad’s Church on May 22.

The service will start at 10am and will be preceded by a parade from the castle to St Chad’s by way of Castle Street, Pride Hill, Shoplatch, Bellstone, St. John’s Hill and St.Chad’s Terrace, led by the 1119 Corps of Drums.

Everyone is welcome to attend.

Following the church service the mayoral party, and guests, will move to St Chad’s church hall for the traditional Loving Cup ceremony at which the Mayor will be invited to drink from the Loving Cup and toast the Queen and town. Guests will then be invited to share the toast.

For further information contact Suzi Wilkinson, Marketing & Promotions Officer on: 01743 257654 or email