Shrewsbury Business Improvement District
Shrewsbury Business Improvement District (BID) is a company voted for by local businesses to help make Shrewsbury a better town to do business, visit, work, and spend time in.
In 2013, more than three quarters of businesses voted ‘yes’ for the BID and as a result £1.6 million will be invested to improve the town's commercial environment for over 500 businesses and organisations in Shrewsbury town centre. Priorities and projects range from marketing and promoting the town, access and car parking, as well as business support activities.
The mission is to make the town a better place to do business, visit, work and spend time in. The projects presented in the Business Plan reflect the priorities of businesses and offer a way of delivering sustainable activity to promote and improve the town, in a cost effective way for the benefit of all who use and work in Shrewsbury.
For more information on Shrewsbury BID, and the town in general, visit the Original Shrewsbury website.