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School Grounds Award & Greening Grey Britain

School Grounds Award

The Shrewsbury in Bloom Group are inviting schools to take part in our Shrewsbury in Bloom Town of Flowers School Grounds competition.

We last held the competition in 2019 when we had a record number of schools taking part, and it would be great if your school could join in.

The judges will be looking for examples of vegetable gardens, wildlife areas and attractive, well maintained grounds containing trees, shrubs and flowers. In particular they would be seeking out evidence of the educational use of grounds and the direct contribution the children and young people have made.

The Shrewsbury in Bloom Committee will be carrying out the judging work for the School Grounds Award and will visit schools to judge entries in Mid-July, (the date will be confirmed closer to the time).  Prizes will be presented to the winning schools in Autumn.

If your School would like to take part, please complete the entry form for the competition.