Address | Proposal | Shrewsbury Town Council Decision |
Proposed Dwelling NE Of 25 Hawthorn Road |
Erection of single detached dwelling following the demolition of single garage; formation of parking area |
Objection |
Application Date: | ||
2020-05-04 | ||
Application Notes: | ||
The Town Council objects to this planning application on the following grounds: Members feel that is an over-development of the site. Members also feel that this backland development in the Belle Vue Conservation Area neither preserves nor enhances the character or appearance of the area. This proposed development will harm the setting and context of existing properties, as well as the proposed dwelling, both of which will have reduced amenity value. Members feel that developing this land will have a detrimental impact on the character and appearance of the locality as well as impacting the neighbouring properties in terms of their rights to privacy. Following a re-consultation on 17.09.2020, Members have considered the revised plans for this application and wish to maintain their objections. The proposed dwelling still appears to be an overdevelopment and not in keeping with the other properties within the Belle Vue Conservation Area. There would still be privacy issues for the neighbouring properties. The illustrations provided show the proposed property to be ‘cramped’ and could provide parking issues for neighbouring properties. |