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Address Proposal Shrewsbury Town Council Decision

Former Builders Yard
Red Barn Lane

Proposed erection of 2 dwellings and alterations of existing access

No Objection
Application Date:
Application Notes:
Following a reconsultation on 04.06.24, the Town Council continues to object to the application on the grounds of overdevelopment. Members welcomed the amended designs received but still had concerns about the size of each property and the overall footprint of the development. The style did not appear to be in keeping with properties in the surrounding area. The site is within the Conservation area and members feel the development would be detrimental to the Rad Valley which is a valuable green wedge. 25.06.2024 - The agent for the application had contacted the Town Council following the application being considered previously, stating that they had further altered the dwellings to reduce the scale. Members agreed that the proposal had a substantial reduction and that as the consultees were happy with the changes, no reason could be found to maintain our objection to the application. The Town Council now raise no objection to this application.