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Planning Applications


Single storey rear extension to replace existing conservatory

Read more about 24/03686/FUL


Proposed detached car workshop building

Read more about 24/03683/FUL


Variation of condition no.2 (approved drawings) attached to planning permission 23/05402/FUL

Read more about 24/03681/VAR


Single storey side extension and associated works

Read more about 24/03663/FUL


Carefully remove part existing masonry & later timber stud work wall / partition between shower room & galley kitchen and insert 2no universal beams and fireproof encasement

Read more about 24/03661/LBC


Extension and refurbishment to the existing residential dwelling

Read more about 24/03654/FUL


Fell 2no Trees and replace with three Amelanchier (or similar) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area

Read more about 24/03599/TCA


Single storey rear extension, reduction to garage and alterations to front to create additional off road parking space

Read more about 24/03633/FUL


Fell to ground level 1no. Poplar (T1) & reduce back from garage by 1m group of Hazel (G2) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area

Read more about 24/03558/TCA


Reduce canopy and specific branches (see schedule) of 1no. Lebanese Cedar (T1) protected by the Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Land at Shelton Hall Gardens) Tree Preservation Order 2006

Read more about 24/03556/TPO


Garage alterations including new door, rendered finish and new roof along with internal alterations.

Read more about 24/03591/FUL


Crown reduce by 20% (1.5 – 2m) and crown thin by 5% of 1no Copper Beech protected by the Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Meole Brace) Tree Preservation Order 2002 (Ref: SA/354)

Read more about 24/03500/TPO