Erection of a three-bedroomed dwelling and alterations to existing vehicular access
Removal of 1no limb and prune 2no limbs (as per photos) of 1no. Ash protected by the Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Erection of a new dwelling (renewal of extant planning permission 19/01969/FUL)
Erection of one detached dwelling and formation of vehicular access (resubmission)
Proposed changes to the external layout/circulation space and parking areas of the previous approval 21/02162/LBC. Changes to parking spaces from the side and rear, to the front of the building, as per the current existing layout, and relocation of private amenity areas/gardens from the front of the listed building to the rear, where they will…
Erection of first floor extension to side, single storey rear extension , conversion of the garage to living accommodation and internal remodelling
Erection of covered area with a lantern window to the patio, internal alterations and a single storey extension to the rear of the sitting room
Internal alterations, demolish the existing porch and form new windows and doors to the entrance hall, new square bay window that replaces the existing bay, new window to be inserted in the front bedroom, new door inserted in side wall, new portico covered area to the side and new boundary wall with piers and railings
Erection of front garden wall and driveway with new dropped kerb
Erection of single storey extension to rear of property to provide open plan kitchen dining space
Extension of existing residential premises to create 2No additional flats, commercial premises to remain unaltered