Erection of single storey extension to provide a ground floor bedroom and wc area for a non-fully mobile person and alterations and extension to existing out house
Cut back canopy by 6ft of 1no Hawthorn, reduce height by 5ft of 4no Lawson Cypress & reduce crown by 6ft of 1no Ash protected by the Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council (Land at Alma House, Alma Street) Tree Preservation Order 2002 (Ref: SA/355)
Erection of ground floor rear extension, enlargement of front first floor window vertically, external wall insulation and link extension from garage to house
Internal alterations and improvements, insertion and removal of various windows, external doors and garage doors (resubmission)
Erection of commercial development to include warehousing and trade units, storage and distribution facilities, offices and a food outlet together with associated car parking and landscaping
Fell 2no Leylandii and trim branches back from property by 30-50cm 1no Tree within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Erection of extension above garage and part conversion of garage to create additional living space
Erection of single storey side and rear extension and alterations to existing vehicular access
Creating of 9 no. new ‘SELEKT’ parking bays connected to adjacent VOLVO motor retail facility
Change of use of Pay and Display Car Park to Proposed mixed use development to include 83 Bed Hotel and 3 No. Retail Units with associated Car Parking and Landscaping