Installation of 1no. new BT Street Hub, incorporating 75″ LCD advert screens plus the removal of associated BT Kiosks
Installation of 1no. new BT Street Hub, incorporating 75″ LCD advert screens plus the removal of associated BT Kiosks
Installation of 1no. new BT Street Hub, incorporating 75″ LCD advert screens plus the removal of associated BT Kiosks
To crown reduce by 25% (2 metres all round) 1no Oak (T1) protected by the Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council (The Springfield No. 2, Wenlock Road) Tree Preservation Order 1995 (Ref: SA/295)
Installation of 1no. new BT Street Hub, incorporating 75″ LCD advert screens plus the removal of associated BT Kiosks
Reduce by 25% (1.5 metres all round) of 1no Yew (T3) protected by The Shrewsbury Borough Council (Meole Brace Village) Tree Preservation Order 1973 (Ref: SA/70)
Reduce canopy by 30% and reduce the vertical leaders by 4 metres of 1no Eucalyptus (T1) & reduce by 25% (2-3 feet all round) 1no Mulberry within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Fell 1no Copper Beech (T1), 1no Lawson Cypress (T4) and 1no Cherry (T7), crown reduce by 30% 1no Sycamore (T2), 1no Lawson Cypress (T3), 1no Ash (T5), 1no Yew (T6) and 1no Hazel (T8), remove any damaged or stressed branches from group of Horse Chestnut (T9) & reduce by 30% group of Apple Trees (T10)…