Erection of garden outbuilding to accommodate home office and gym space.
Alterations to existing conservatory. Remove ply carbonate roof and re roof with tiles and roof lights. Amend windows and doors. Change utility door to window on side elevation and window to door and side lights on rear elevation.
Crown reduce by approximately 1-2m 1no Sycamore (T1) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Reduce to previous pruning points in height by 1.5-2.5m & laterally by 1.5-3m of 1no Lime protected by The Borough of Shrewsbury (Woodfield Estate) Tree Preservation Order 1966 (Ref: SA/19)
Cut to ground level section of the tree leaning over garden and remove branches from the vertical section of 1no Sycamore within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Crown reduce by 2-3m and remove epicormic growth of 1no Lime protected by The Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council (25 Belvidere Road) Tree Preservation Order 1988 (Ref: SA/158)
Reduce in height by 2m and sides by 1m 1no Magnolia tree (T1) & reduce in height by 2.5m and sides by 1m 1no Silver Birch (T2) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Works to 1no Oak, 1no Lime and two groups of Lawson Cypress (See Schedule) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Raising of the roofline of the existing garage to provide a first floor with balcony and open fronted carport to the side of existing drive