Fell to ground level 2no Poplar within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Works to erect and display (Sign A) Externally illuminated individual brass effect letters, (Sign B) Non illuminated externally illuminated individual brass effect letters, (Sign C) Marstons corporate logo, (Sign D) Hanging sign panel only to suit existing bracket work, (Sign E & F) Signwriting messages directly to building, (Sign G & H) Panels to suit…
Erect and display (Sign A) Externally illuminated individual brass effect letters, (Sign B) Non illuminated externally illuminated individual brass effect letters, (Sign C) Marstons corporate logo, (Sign D) Hanging sign panel only to suit existing bracket work, (Sign E & F) Signwriting messages directly to building, (Sign G & H) Panels to suit existing correx…
Cut back to trunk 1no Ash within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Erection of a single storey extension to rear (Minor design amendments to approved application ref 21/04478/FUL)
Proposed telecommunications installation: Proposed 16.0m Phase 8 Monopole C/W wrapround Cabinet at base and associated ancillary works.
Erection of replacement two storey boat house following demolition
Erection of one pair of semi-detached dwellings with alteration to existing vehicular access and formation of parking
New build two storey extension and remodel / refurbishment works of existing school, including partial demolition, landscaping (including removal of trees) and other associated works.
To fell 3no. trees in the rear garden within Shrewsbury Conservation Area