Installation of two rooflights to rear roofline and one to the front roofline to enable loft conversion
Change of use from C3 to C2 in order to create a therapeutic care home for up to three children
To crown lift canopy of loose hanging foliage by 2 metres of 1no. Copper Beech (T25) protected by the Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Belvidere Paddocks) Tree Preservation Order 2005 (ref. SA/411)
Change of use to residential C3 of the first, second and third floors and minor internal alterations affecting a Grade II Listed Building
Change of use to residential C3 of the first, second and third floors and minor internal alterations
Replacement of 2no. first floor traditional sash windows on front elevation (Article 4 Direction)
Works to facilitate the change of use from ground floor apartment to two self contained holiday lets affecting a Grade II Listed Building
To fell 1no. Holly and replace with suitable species within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Formation of an additional dropped kerb and gravel driveway
Reduce longest branches on the north side by 25% to previous pruning points and remove deadwood over drive of 1no. Horse Chestnut (T1), and remove 1no. Ornamental Cherry (T2) protected by The Shrewsbury Borough Council (St. Chad’s Vicarage) Tree Preservation Order 1968
Pollard to 4.5 metres 1no. Sycamore within Shrewsbury Conservation Area