Erection of single storey side extension to form ancillary accommodation; insertion of dormer window to side roofline and rooflight to front roofline to allow for loft conversion; to include removal of five Leylandii trees
Remedial works to the main roof, rear flat roof and roof lantern; provision of safe access with handrail to maintain air conditioning units; insertion of replacement window
Remedial works to the main roof, rear flat roof and roof lantern, provision of access with handrails to maintain air conditioning units with relocation of two units; replacement window
Alterations to the rear elevation including removal of C20th partition, inclusion of lantern in existing extension and widening of existing internal door opening affecting a Grade II Listed Building
Erection of a new blockwork rear boundary wall in a similar location to the partially collapsed one, to separate ownerships, and for security
Change of use to residential and associated internal alterations
Change of use to residential and associated internal alterations
Variation of Condition No. 2 attached to Planning Permission 21/03041/FUL dated 18 October 2021
Works to facilitate the installation of kitchen extraction system and air intake system to rear elevation; re-fitting works to interior; installation of signage to front elevation
Installation of kitchen extraction system and air intake system to rear elevation; re-fitting works to interior Listed Building Application for interior fitting out to form restaurant.
Application for consent to display one projecting sign to existing bracket; one free standing menu box and three externally illuminated fascia signs
Erection of a detached double garage to front elevation and insertion of new window in side ground floor elevation to serve existing study