Erection of single storey rear extension, loft conversion including formation of dormers to front and rear
Variation of Condition Nos. 3 (opening hours) and 5 (no music) attached to Planning Permission 22/00228/FUL dated 31.03.22 to allow closing time to be extended to 20:00 and to allow the playing of ambient background music
Erection of single storey extension to side/rear elevations; amendments to roof to include insertion of glazed apex to the rear roofline to facilitate the conversion of attic space
Erection of balcony to rear elevation at ground floor level
Conversion and extension of existing two storey warehouse building to provide four storey dwelling and associated works
Removal of existing sail shade and installation of new independent fixed canopy
Hip to gable loft conversion, single storey rear extension, convert pitch roof to flat green roof at rear of property, timber cladding to garage and bike shed. External insulation with wooden cladding detail, log store and covered seating area
Revised access arrangement and formation of boundary walls affecting a Grade II Listed Building
Crown thin by 15%, reduction of side branches by 1-2m & remove epicormic growth of 1no Oak (T1) protected by the Shropshire Council (Land at 2 Dove Close, off Oteley Road, Shrewsbury) Tree Preservation Order 2017