Alterations and minor extensions to existing dwelling including erection of a first floor side extension with link bridge/walkway to provide accessible entrance, enhancements to the front elevation, erection of a new first floor balcony to rear, erection of a small single storey ground floor extension to existing living room, replacement of all windows and doors,…
Erection of single storey extensions, associated works and formation of a driveway to provide off-street parking (re-submission)
Minimally trim back 1no Yew (T1) and reduce side branches by 1-2m of 2no Yew (T2&T3) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Loft conversion and installation of dormer on rear elevation
Crown reduce by up to 2.5m 1no Birch within Belle Vue Conservation Area
Erection of two schools (one primary school, and one SEND (special educational needs and disabilities) school); creation of new vehicular access and on-site road, parking areas; sports/play areas; landscaping scheme; all ancillary works
Erection of single storey, flat roof extension to rear of existing property to create kitchen-diner.
Conversion of the upper floors of 3 Mardol into 4 no. residential units with alterations to the frontage to form a separate access and creation of a roof terrace at first-floor level.
Conversion of the upper floors of 3 Mardol into 4 no. residential units with alterations to the frontage to form a separate access and creation of a roof terrace at first-floor level.
Fell 1no Cedar protected by the SABC (Land at and surrounding Bowbrook) TPO 2008 (Ref: SA/462)
Crown reduction up to 30% and crown lift by 2.5m with a maximum cut size 25-30mm metres above ground of 1no. Cherry within Shrewsbury Conservation Area