Works to facilitate the replacement of 8No. existing windows affecting a Grade II Listed Building
Removal of internal garden wall and erection of a timber framed garden room and boundary fence 1.8m high and gates
To reduce by 50% (3m) 1No Pyracantha (T1) and reduce by 20% (1m all round) 1No Yew Tree (T2) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
1. Crown lifting of 2No Holly trees, 1No Norway Maple, 1No Scots Pine, 2No Lawson Cypress trees and 1No Laburnum tree over driveway by approximately 1-3m to give clearance for the vehicle access required. (2) Removal of limb to Strawberry tree blocking driveway access. (3) Crown lifting of 1No storm damaged Leyland Cypress tree near…
Erection of rear two storey extension following demolition of single storey rear extension
Erect and display 11No non-illuminated wayfinding signs at various locations around the external periphery of the site
Erection of single detached dwelling following the demolition of single garage
Erection of single storey rear extension, conversion of existing garage, insertion of window on side elevation and internal alterations
Erection of first floor extension to rear, formation of roof terrace with glazed guards and external staircase
Proposed fixing of external grade metal signage and wayfinding units into the mortar joints of brickwork at various locations around the Shrewsbury Flaxmill Maltings site, as part of the installation of a signage and wayfinding scheme affecting a Grade I Listed Building