Erection of a detached garage and workshop with home office and storage above
Application to fell one Oak tree covered by the Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Belvidere Paddocks) Tree Preservation Order 2005
Proposed alterations to the front elevation with new driveway
Erection of single storey rear extension and connection of existing garden pod to corner of extension with associated internal and external alterations
Installation of replacement roof and increase in height of dwelling to form 2nd floor accommodation to include insertion of dormer windows; formation of solid roof over existing conservatory
Erection of infill extension and remodeling of rear single storey extension and maintenance of existing rear bay window affecting a Grade II* Listed Building (amendment to previously approved 21/03743/LBC
Approval of reserved matters (appearance, layout, scale and landscaping) pursuant of 19/03905/OUT for the mixed residential development of 97 dwellings, landscaping scheme including public open space and play areas, estate roads
Loft extension comprising of flat roof dormer, conversion of the existing attic, additional stair providing access to the loft and installation of roof lights
T1 and T2 are weeping willows. An end reduction of both has been recommended (lengths specified in report). One tree adjacent to these willow trees has recently collapsed into the river, so in order to prolong the life of the remaining trees, they have been proposed for a reduction to reduce loading on stem and…
Carry out 30% reduction to the crown of one Copper Beech tree and remove up to 3 branches
Erection of single storey rear extension following demolition of existing porch