Reduce by 20% and re shape 1No Rowan Tree (T1) and 1No Birch Tree (T2) within Belle Vue Conservation Area
To reduce height by 5 metres of one Thuja Plicata tree within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Erection of single storey side extension, formation of new off street parking space, erection of new timber fence with partial removal of existing boundary wall and formation of new access gateway from existing parking spaces
Replacement of existing signage (3 x fascia and 1 x free standing sign) with new branding
Removal of 3No Sycamore Trees T1, T2 & T3 within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Approval of reserved matters (layout, scale, appearance, landscaping) pursuant of 11/05798/OUT – PLOT 26 ONLY for the erection of four single storey buildings providing 1145sqm office space, detached management office, landscaping scheme and all ancillary works
Approval of reserved matters (layout, scale, appearance, landscaping) pursuant of 11/05798/OUT – PLOT 27 ONLY for the erection of three single storey buildings providing 1,312sqm office space, landscaping scheme and all ancillary works
HYBRID application for mixed residential development: FULL application for the erection of 104 dwellings (including affordable dwellings), vehicular access from Weir Hill Road, estate roads, footpaths/cycleways, formation of public open space, remediation, landscaping scheme, all associated works; and, OUTLINE application for 32 Self-Build and Custom-Build Dwellings
Application for tree works to one Cedrus (T64) to include topping to tree, crown thinning, reduction and pruning of outer branches; covered by the Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Meole Brace) Tree Preservation Order 2002
Internal works and interior re-ordering affecting a Grade II Listed Building
Cut back overhanging branches of 1no. Birch by 1m, fell 1no. Semi-mature ash, reduce by 30% 1no. Holly and reduce overhanging branches of 1no. Sycamore by 1.5m protected by The Shrewsbury Borough Council (Hermitage Drive) Tree Preservation Order 1967
Pruning of 1no. Oak tree and crown reduction of 1no. Beech tree protected by Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council (Woodfield Road, Copthorne Land, Between Nos. 13 and 17) Tree Preservation Order 1986