Remove existing 1m high brick wall and replace with 1.8m high palisade fencing
Garage conversion to create additional living accommodation; remodelling of front elevation; single storey rear extension to replace an existing conservatory
Erection of 25no dwellings and conversion of an existing building to form 2no dwellings
Refurbishment, rebranding, and extension of existing motor dealership including reordering of parking and display areas and addition of a MOT facility
To fell 1no Lawson Cypress tree and replant within Shrewsbury Conservation Area.
Erection of single storey side and rear extension following demolition of existing garage
Erection of brick boundary wall to replace existing close boarded fence
Proposed restoration of two pedimented external door cases and panelled doors based on evidence from salvaged fragments and historic photographs. (Apprentice House – Phase 3)
Erection of single storey extension to the rear to provide a Garden Room/Bedroom
Form new opening between kitchen and sitting/ dining room and in rear wall to replace 20th century french doors and window; block up 20th century kitchen door on rear elevations affecting a grade II listed building
Works to facilitate change of use of existing cellar from office to residential use to include upgrading of internal finish and provision of tanking system to walls, a single new opening within internal walls and replacement of modern stairs affecting a Grade II Listed Building