Change of use of building to include sub-division of existing ground floor retail unit to form 5 class ‘E’ units, provision of a first floor to provide 8no residential apartments to the front part of the first floor and a storage area to the rear, and associated external alterations including new shop front and replacement…
Conversion of existing retail and storage accommodation over 3 floors to provide retail to ground and basement levels and 5 self-contained apartments to the upper floors with access via a new door at street level
Conversion of existing retail and storage accommodation over 3 floors to provide retail to ground and basement levels and 5 self-contained apartments to the upper floors with access via a new door at street level
Minor crown lift of 1no Lime & fell 1no Silver Birch protected by the Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Ryelands, Shrewsbury) Tree Preservation Order 2005 (Ref: SA/401)
Pollard back by 15-20ft 1no Sycamore within Belle Vue Conservation Area
Crown reduce by up to 25% 1no Beech (T1) & reduce to old pruning point at 3m in height and trim garden side 1no Beech Hedge (H2) within Belle Vue Conservation Area
Fell 1no Beech (G1), 1no Yew (T2) & Elder and saplings (G3) within Belle Vue Conservation Area
Proposed repair, refurbishment and alterations to existing windows