Change of use from Class E (retail shop) to Class E (cafe/restaurant) and Sui Generis Use (drinking establishment) including installation of obscure glazed window to kitchen, existing window to be removed and replaced with opening door and screen and other internal alterations
Provision of a seclusion block and associated works adjacent to Oak Ward
To crown reduce by 20% and remove dead and diseased limbs 1no Walnut tree protected by Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council (Wychbury House, 113 Wenlock Road, Shrewsbury) Tree Preservation Order 1993
To crown lift to 6m remove deadwood 1no Atlas Cedar tree protected by The Borough of Shrewsbury (Kingsland No 2) Tree Preservation Order 1969
To fell various trees (as per schedule) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area.
Internal works to facilitate combining 2No dwellings to 1No dwelling affecting a Grade II Listed Building
To carry out various works as per schedule within Shrewsbury Conservation Area.
To fell a number of trees as per schedule within Shrewsbury (Sutton Road) Conservation Area.
To crown reduce by 30% (away from BT wires) and minor crown thin 1no mature Apple tree within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
To remove 2no Leylandii trees (T1 and T2) in rear garden within Shrewsbury Conservation Area.
Change of use of first and second floors form A1 Retail storage to Tattoo Studio (Sui Generis)
Internal alterations to adapt existing garage into habitable sitting room and creation of additional bedroom on first floor affecting a Grade II Listed Building