To crown reduce by 30% (away from BT wires) and minor crown thin 1no mature Apple tree within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
To remove 2no Leylandii trees (T1 and T2) in rear garden within Shrewsbury Conservation Area.
Change of use of first and second floors form A1 Retail storage to Tattoo Studio (Sui Generis)
Internal alterations to adapt existing garage into habitable sitting room and creation of additional bedroom on first floor affecting a Grade II Listed Building
Erection of a detached dwelling, formation of access for existing dwelling (revised scheme)
Erection of part two storey and single storey extensions following the demolition of existing lean-to extension and garage and erection of first floor extension above existing drawing room and alterations to boundary wall to include single storey flat roof extension (re-submission)
Adapt and extend existing single storey garage to provide a double garage facility with a terraced roof
Erection of extension to kitchen and replacement of existing flat roof with pitched tiled roof to kitchen and dining room