Fell 2no Lawson Cypress protected by The Borough of Shrewsbury (Kingsland No 2) Tree Preservation Order 1969 (Ref: SA/34)
Variation of condition No. 4 attached to planning permission reference 08/0170/F dated 3rd April 2008 to allow the premise to open until midnight Monday to Sunday
Erection of two storey and single storey rear extension to existing two storey dwelling
Reduce back foliage and small branches (less than 1.5 inches diameter) of trees along the boundary with Meole Brace Hall protected by The Shrewsbury Borough Council (Meole Brace Village) Tree Preservation Order 1973 (Ref: SA/70)
Replacement of rear 1st floor bathroom window affecting a Grade II Listed Building
Erection of single storey side extension and new roof dormers to first floor rooms
Installation of 3No. temporary single storey buildings to be used as classrooms until 31st December 2021
Erection of 44No apartments (including 8No affordable) with associated parking, amenity areas and landscaping including demolition of rear buildings associated with the Former Lord Hill Hotel affecting a Grade II Listed Building
Erection of 44No apartments (including 8No affordable) with associated parking, amenity areas and landscaping including demolition of rear buildings associated with the Former Lord Hill Hotel
Erection of infill extension and remodelling of rear single storey extension and maintenance repair to existing rear bay window affecting a Grade II* Listed Building