Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 11 no. houses and 1 no. bungalow and associated parking, landscaping and amenity spaces
Conversion of existing out house into kitchen area with a single storey extension to the front and new summer house to replace the dilapidated existing timber structure
Erection of a single storey pitched-roof lounge / dining extension
Erect and display 1No. internally illuminated freestanding dibond totem sign, 1No. internally illuminated folded aluminium fascia sign and 1No. non illuminated folded aluminium wall mounted sign
Demolition of front garden wall and gate to create a gravel driveway with a side path of paving stones leading to the front door with dropped kerb to create parking for one vehicle.
Alteration to boundary wall, construction of a driveway with dropped kerb access and repaving path to front door
To remove new growth front and rear to bring back off pavement by no more than 10% 2no Yew trees (T1&T2) and prune approx 1m new growth away from neighbouring 1st floor balcony 1no Silver Birch tree (T3) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area.
To fell 1no Conifer and 2no Pine trees, within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
To crown lift up to 3metres and reduce over extended branches on spread only by up to 10% 1no Pine tree protected by the Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Harlescott Lane & Vanguard Way) Tree Preservation Order 2006
Erection of single storey rear extension following removal of existing conservatory
Works to raise roof over garage link to create first floor rooms, alterations to fenestration and installation of additional solar panels
Approval of reserved matters (design and external appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) pursuant to outline permission 17/05325/OUT in respect of a 70 bedroom residential care home (Use Class C2) with associated parking, landscaping and associated works