Variation of Condition No. 2 (approved plans) attached to planning permission reference 20/03335/FUL dated 09.10.2020
Prune up to 2.5 metres to main shape and health 1no. Walnut Tree – within Shrewsbury Conservation Area.
Erection of single dwelling to include vehicular and pedestrian access off Rosedale (revised scheme)
Proposed loft conversion to include a dormer window the rear of the property, 2no. roof light windows in the main roof front and rear, move existing first floor bathroom window from the side elevation to rear elevation and reduce in size and 2no. further small roof lights in hipped roof over bathroom
Erection of part 2 storey part single storey extension to provide Garden room sitting area and balcony
Reduce by 2-3m, reshape canopy to lessen overhang of 1no Leylandii (T1), reduce to adjacent hedge height and remove overhang/dead spires of 1no Leylandii (T2) & reduce by 2m and reshape 1no Golden Leylandii (T3) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Erection of a single storey extension and internal alterations
Erection of 1No split-level house with integral garaging and associated parking, served by an existing access and improved private drive (re-submission of planning permission 18/03663/FUL) and erection of a split- level curved top building to accommodate a gym and replacement swimming pool.
Erection of single storey rear extension following removal of conservatory
Remove 1no Leylandii hedge (approx. 19 trees) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area