Alterations to existing flat roofed garage including construction of pitched roof with dormer windows and conservation roof lights, to provide additional habitable accommodation; installation of new internal staircase and ground floor WC and shower (re-submission)
Variation of Condition No. 2 attached to Planning Permission 20/01574/FUL dated 02 June 2020 to include an Air Source Heat Pump unit in the garden
Erection of a two storey rear extension and a single storey garage extension to the side including Canopy to frontage
Application under Section 73A of the Town And Country Planning Act 1990 for the reinstatement of fire damaged garage workshop, with no intensification of the existing business
Change of use from residential institution (Class C2) to dwelling (Class C3)
Proposed new secondary school and associated works, including installation of new Solar PV panel system on roof and on external free-standing canopies
Reduce 1no. Lawson Cypress tree at end of garden by approx 4m in height and pollard 1no elderberry tree leaving approximate 3m stump in Belle Vue Conservation Area
Erection of a single storey rear extension and associated alterations to detached dwelling. Dimensions 6.00 metres beyond the rear wall, 3.6 metres maximum height and 2.83 metres high to eaves.
Change of use from day nursery to private residential dwelling and associated works to include removal of timber clad structure at roof level and installation of roof lights affecting a Grade II Listed Building
Change of use from day nursery to private residential dwelling and associated works to include removal of timber clad structure at roof level and installation of roof lights