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Planning Applications


Application under Section 73a of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the retrospective erection of a home office

Read more about 21/02192/FUL


Change of use of the ground floor from sui generis tattoo studio to a restaurant/cafe within Class E

Read more about 21/02021/FUL


Erection of a two storey front extension

Read more about 21/02271/FUL


Erection of two storey extension to side to include balcony and single storey extension to rear following demolition of existing garage and conservatory

Read more about 21/02174/FUL


Listed Building Consent for the replacement of existing pitched roof with a new flat roof and glass lantern

Read more about 21/02556/LBC


Erection of a rear single storey extension to detached dwelling, dimensions 6.50 metres beyond rear wall, 3.90 metres maximum height, 2.47 metres high to eaves

Read more about 21/02554/HHE


Listed Building Consent to carry out repairs to timber frame and infill panels, replace sections of RWG, repair rain water gullies

Read more about 21/02234/LBC


Replacement of existing pitched roof over garage with new flat roof and balcony, with glass balustrade and privacy screen

Read more about 21/02217/FUL


Replacement of existing pitched roof with a new flat roof and glass lantern

Read more about 21/02189/FUL


Variation of Conditions 2 (approved plans) and 9 (closure of existing access) pursuant of 18/05823/FUL to allow for revised layout to approved vehicular access; and retention and enlargement of the existing vehicular access; installation of gates

Read more about 21/02170/VAR


Internal works including to open up 1No new internal doorway, create 1No new dressing room with a stud wall and associated works affecting a Grade II Listed Building

Read more about 21/02099/LBC


Erect and display 3No. built up halo illuminated logo signs, 15No. curb mounted car park signs, 3No. disabled signs and 3No. directional signs

Read more about 21/01653/ADV