Reduce and re-shape by approx 25% 1no Lawson (T1), prune back by 20% from drive/parking area 1no Birch (T2) & crown lift to 2m 1no Cherry (T3) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Rear single storey extension, front infill single storey extension and first floor extension over existing garage
Variation of Condition No. 2 (approved plans) pursuant to 17/02940/VAR to allow for amended plans
Extension to existing single storey dwelling to provide additional living accommodation on split level ground floor and principal bedroom suite in first floor roof space
Prune back off car park area by 20% and a light 10% crown thin of 3no. Limes (T1G), and prune back branches over grassy area on green and path by 20% from 1no. Birch (T2) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Removal of the existing flat roof and replace with new pitched roof and conversion of part of the garage into a habitable room
Remodelling of existing house to provide additional living accommodation, garaging and storage reordering of elevations and roof profile
Erection of rear extension, outbuildings and alterations to driveway including new boundary walls and hardstanding.