Outline application ( access for consideration) for the erection of erection of residential care home (C2 use), formation of a new vehicular access, creation of car parking and works to and the removal of trees
Notification of tree works to include the removal of holly hedge and three Yew trees and the reduction by 1.5m of one Magnolia tree; all lying within the Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Erection of a single storey rear extension to semi detached dwelling, dimensions 3.6 meters beyond the rear wall, 3 meters maximum height and 3 meters high to eaves
Coppice back (to growth points) 1 no. Willow tree within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Erection of front and rear ground floor extensions and garage
Erection of single storey rear extension and associated alterations following some demolition
Erection of single storey rear and side flat roof extension, replacement roof to garage and erection of porch to front; demolition of rear extension (resubmission)
Cut to ground level 1no Beech Tree and 1no Conifer Tree within Shrewsbury Conservation Area