Erection of a new foodstore, associated car parking, access, landscaping and a substation
Application under Section 73A of the Town And Country Planning Act 1990 for the reinstatement of fire damaged garage workshop, with no intensification of the existing business
Change of use from offices (previously B1 use) to use as skin clinic (use class E(e))
North West Relief Road scheme. comprising – construction of 6.9km single carriageway (7.3m wide) road; severance of local roads and footpaths; provision of combined footway/cycleway; erection of three bridged structures over carriageway; diversion of existing bridleway/footpath via an underpass; climbing lane on westbound approach; 670m long viaduct; bridge over railway; two flood storage areas; provision…
Works to Cedar Tree (crown reduce 15% and removal of dead branches) protected by The Borough of Shrewsbury (Kingsland No 2) Tree Preservation Order 1969
Reduce back (to previously cut below wires) Weeping Willow Tree within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Change of use of commercial unit to B8 storage and distribution unit with ancillary A1 retail space
Re submission of approved scheme (16/04669/FUL – Erection of single storey and two storey extensions and reconfiguration of existing building to create a total of 29 bedrooms with en-suites; to include some demolition)
Oak – To reduce large limb over-hanging lawn in order to reduce risk of failure; tidy up another failed limb’s finishing cut to allow tree a better chance at compartmentalising the wound protected by The Shrewsbury Borough Council (Dunedin Drive) Tree Preservation Order 1970