Application under 73A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the Erection of Gazebo to Accommodate Wedding Ceremonies (undertaken under temporary use rights for no more than 28 days per year)
Erection of replacement garage following demolition of existing
Erection of first floor side extension; replacement of white brickwork on ground floor to No. 45 erection of new canopy at ground floor window level at No. 43 and No. 45
Variation of condition 2 (approved drawings) and 7 (approved landscape plan) attached to planning permission reference 20/01553/FUL dated 03/12/2020 to reflect changes to the site layout and house types
To fell 1No. Oak, 1No. Ash and 1No. Sycamore protected by The Borough of Shrewsbury (Ridgebourne Road) Tree Preservation Order 1968
Change of use of existing children’s nursery to two office units at ground floor (Use class E(c)(iii)) and three residential flats at first floor
Proposed 20m Phase 8 Monopole C/W wrapround Cabinet at base and associated ancillary works.
Erection of ground floor rear extension, roof extension with room in the roof and conversion of carport to garage
Conversion and extension of existing garage to prove additional residential accommodation; erection of double garage with log store and new front wall and gate with wider access
To crown reduce 1No Yew Tree (T1) by approximately 2-3m within Belle Vue Conservation Area