Removal of epicormic growth on 1No Lime Tree, crown thinning of branches, crown lift to 6m and removal of dead and dangerous branches protected by Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Ryelands, Shrewsbury) Tree Preservation Order 2005
Erection of single storey extensions and alterations and improvements following some demolition works
Conversion of and part single storey and first floor extension of existing detached single garage into a self contained annex ancillary to main dwelling
Crown reduce 1No Rowan Tree (1) by 5%, cut off dead wood spur of 1No Pine Tree (2), reduce height of 1No Pine Tree (3) by 10% and reduce 1No Holly Tree (4) by 80% within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Application for approval of the reserved matters (details of the design and external appearance of the development, layout, scale and the landscaping of the site) and approval of the details required to be submitted by conditions including 5 (Surface and Foul Water Drainage), 6 (Improvement to the existing access) and 7 (Parking and Turning of…
Erection of 2.4m high weld mesh fencing, new entrance gates and 2no 4 metre ANPR camera poles
To fell 1No. Sycamore tree protected by The Borough of Shrewsbury (Kingsland No 2) Tree Preservation Order 1969
Installation of new air conditioning and air handling units in service yard area and new louvre openings in wall to accommodate intake and extract
Erection of first floor extension and associated alterations and improvements including mono pitch roof over open porch area