Internal and external alterations in association with conversion and extension of the existing building into three dwellings
Variation of condition no.2 pursuant of 20/02795/FUL to allow for an increase in the length of the approved extension; and the addition of a render finish to rear elevation
To crown reduce to 6′ 1no T1 Hawthorn ; crown reduce T2 1no Haze to 6.5′. and crown reduce/shape T, Holly to 6′ within Shrewsbury conservation area
Erection of single storey rear extension affecting a Grade II Listed Building
Works to reduce 3No Leylandii Conifers by approx 5m (T1)(T2)(T3) and removal of 1No Leylandii Conifer (T4) within Shrewsbury Conversation Area
Erection of two storey side and single storey rear extensions
Erection of single-storey rear extension; installation of light well to front elevation; installation of wall and railings to front boundary with automatic gate opening (resubmission)
Crown reduce T2 Sweet Chestnut; T3 and T4 Black Pines by 15% protected by The Shrewsbury Borough Council (Meole Brace Village) Tree Preservation Order 1973
Erection of a rear single storey extension to semi detached dwelling, dimensions 6.00 metres beyond rear wall, 3.00 metres maximum height, 3.00 metres high to eaves
Erection of single detached dwelling following the demolition of single garage (revised scheme)