Variation of Condition no.2 (approved plans) to allow for alterations to all elevations to include insertion of window and door and re-positioning of approved window; building work to front elevation to bring door forward; installation of two rooflights to rear roofline to facilitate loft conversion
Erection of single storey rear extension, single storey extension to front of garage with first floor extension above
Erection of hipped roof over the front garage and covered area that will replace the existing flat roof
Erection of hipped roof over front garage and porch to replace existing flat roof
Erection of single storey extension following demolition of conservatory
Erection of a single storey side and part rear extension together with front porch to provide garage, utility room, shower room and bedroom
Replacement of dilapidated Victorian ground floor front window sashes with double-glazed equivalents affecting a Grade II Listed building
Outline application for the erection of a single dwelling and associated access and parking (all matters reserved)
Erection of first floor and rear extensions and alterations to existing dwelling
Application under Section 73A of The Town & Country Planning Act 1990 for the conversion of existing detached garage to habitable room including raising eave height, removal of existing flat roof on garage to be replaced by an insulated pitched roof, erect a glass roof connection between part of back of garage / new pitched…
Outline Planning Application (all matters reserved other than access) for the development of up to 150 residential dwellings.