Refurbishment and conversion of first floor office suite to form 2No. residential units affecting a Grade II* Listed Building
Erection of two storey side extension following demolition of detached garage
Alterations to shop front to provide access, along with the insertion of shutters, removal of internal stud walls, the creation of an opening in a masonry wall positioned half way through the ground floor, with a double door replacing the existing window opening at the rear to gain access to a proposed walkway affecting a…
Reducing the fence line at the rear of the property by 600mm, from 1800mm to 1200mm, timber facing the external side of the fence and decorating it to match the adjacent local finishes
Erection of first floor extension to rear of property. Demolition of existing roof to be replaced with new roof with installation of dormer windows to rear.
Proposed replacement of 2 existing smaller louvres with a single wider louvre to the rear elevation, installation of one new louvre to the side elevation (at the rear of the property) and installation of an Air Conditioning Unit in a proprietary acoustic enclosure within an existing light well.
Sub-division of ground floor retail to form 5 retail units and creation of 18no residential apartments on first floor
Erection of a two storey rear & single storey side extension
Variation of condition 3 attached to planning permission reference 05/0915/F to enable the unit to be used as gym and/or for Indoor sport, recreation or fitness within Class E(d) of The Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended)
Erection of conservatory to link the main property to the annex