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Planning Applications


Conversion and extension of the existing building into three dwellings with associated gardens and parking (amendment to planning permission 18/01998/FUL)

Read more about 20/04583/FUL


Erection of porch to front

Read more about 20/04661/FUL


Erection of a single storey rear extension

Read more about 20/04701/FUL


The erection of 9, 70,000 litre oil storage vessels within existing external bunded structure following removal of 2 existing horizontal tanks

Read more about 20/04705/FUL


Reserved matters (design, appearance, layout and landscaping) pursuant to permission 11/05798/OUT (varied by 13/04585/VAR) for the erection of a two-storey office building

Read more about 20/04712/REM


Erection of single storey rear extension following demolition of existing garage

Read more about 20/04741/FUL


Replacement of 4No. existing sash windows on the front and rear elevations affecting a Grade II Listed Building

Read more about 20/04606/LBC


Erect and display replacement of current advertising fascia signs and window graphics with new Spar branding

Read more about 20/04620/ADV


Works to crown reduce 3No. Alder by approx. 25% (approx 2m) and to fell 1No. Golden Rain tree within Shrewsbury Conservation Area

Read more about 20/04627/TCA


Alterations in connection with erection of single storey side extension affecting a Grade II* Listed Building

Read more about 20/04637/LBC


Erection of single storey side extension

Read more about 20/04638/FUL


Erection of single storey rear extension following removal of conservatory

Read more about 20/04691/FUL