Change of use of the upper floors from A1 retail to C3 residential
Crown reduce 1No. Cherry tree by 25% and light crown thin protected by Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Meole Brace) Tree Preservation Order 2002
To fell 5No Conifers to ground level and crown reduce 1No Eucalyptus by 1m and remove 2 or 3 overhanging limbs within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Crown reduce 1No. Magnolia by 25% and 1No. Magnolia by 35%; fell 1No. young Beech and 1No. Juniper within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Installation of balcony to rear of building (flat 5) to include some demolition
Works to 1No Oak tree protected by Shropshire Council (Land at or adjacent to Oaklands and Abbotsfield Drive) TPO 2012
Erection of a single storey extension to provide CT and MRI suite, connecting lobby and associated parking area and access path
Erection of a residential development of 5No. dwellings to include off street parking and associated amenity space following demolition of existing dwelling
Erection of 12No. affordable dwellings (C3 Class) and 14No. self-contained 1 bedroomed supported living flats and Community Hub (C2 Class) with associated external works, road access, landscaping and car parking
Refurbishment and conversion of rear part ground floor, first floor and second floor to form six residential units, together with re-configuration of the main ground floor area for continued commercial use within Class E (as amended)
Refurbishment and conversion of rear part ground floor, first floor and second floor to form six residential units, together with re-configuration of the main ground floor area for continued commercial use within Class E (as amended)