Works to fell 3-4 Conifer Trees within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
To fell 1No Silver Birch Tree protected by The Shrewsbury Borough Council (Sunfield Park) Tree Preservation Order 1969
To fell 1no Ash Tree to ground level protected by Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Meole Brace) Tree Preservation Order 2002
Remove lower branches of 1No Silver Birch Tree T1 which are overhanging road, remove 1No Silver Birch Tree T2, 2No Young Ash Trees T3 and T4, reduce height of 1No Willow Tree T5 by 15%, remove stem of 2No Grey Poplar Trees T6 and T7 which are over hanging garden and reduce height of 3No…
Erection of a two storey side extension with first floor side extension above existing single storey, single storey link from home office to utility and new single storey rear garden room
Erection of a detached two storey dwelling; formation of vehicular access; to include the felling of trees
Erection of 6no detached garages in connection with residential development reference 20/02613/REM
Erection of single storey rear extension, rear roof terrace at first floor, boundary wall and automated iron sliding gate to front entrance and associated works