Crown reduce 1No. Yew tree by approx. 1.5-2m all over and prune and reduce selective branches by up to 2m of 1No. Sycamore tree and light raising of lower crown by approx. 2m protected by The Shrewsbury Borough Council (Meole Brace Village) Tree Preservation Order 1973
Internal and external alterations in connection with change of use of upper floors from A1 Retail to C3 residential
Erection of a single storey extension at rear and associated alterations; formation of new access off Swiss Farm Road, new fencing and associated driveway works
Erection of single storey extension with increased openings in existing external wall to access and associated works
Erection of single storey rear extension following demolition of existing buildings
Reforming and landscaping the front garden, this will encompass two new retaining wall structures and erection of a new garden shed to rear
Application for the relevant demolition of 21m length of unsafe boundary wall to rear
Erection of two storey part single storey side extension and double detached garage
Erection of single storey extension, pitched roof and internal alteration;. erection of detached garage
Erection of first floor rear extension to include alterations to existing balcony