Erection of first floor extension with juliet balcony and side extension; widening of existing gateway from road to allow a 3.5m wide gate
Change of use from nursery to dwelling to include conversion of roof space; internal alterations and installation of 3 No. roof lights to west elevation affecting a Grade II Listed Building
13m Norway Maple Crimson King (T1) – Height reduction by 2m and crown lift of the 3 lowest branches; 8m Scots Pine (T2) – Crown clean with an overall reduction of no more than 20% of the foliage protected by Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Meole Brace) Tree Preservation Order 2002
Crown reduce by 30% and remove lower overhanging branches of 1no Sycamore Tree and other growth (ivy etc) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Demolition of existing concrete sectional garage and erection of detached single storey living unit in same position to rear of property
To fell 1No Conifer (1) removal of 1No Birch (2) and crown reduce 1No Magnolia by approx 3.5m (3) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Hybrid application for outline planning permission for residential development (Class C3) and commercial, business and service use (Class E) to include access with all other matters reserved; application for the change of use of the ground floor of 1 and 15 Haughmond Square to a mixed use including hot food takeaway restaurant (sui generis use)…
Erection of a single storey extension and first floor extension to side and rear and associated alterations and improvements
Application for Prior Approval under the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 Schedule 2, Part 3, Class T for the change of use from B1 (Business) to a state funded school or nursery