Demolition of existing single storey, flat roofed single garage & replacement with 2-storey, pitched roof double garage.
Single storey tear extension and replacement garage and carport
3No built up logos – Internally illuminated and 2No wooden projection signs
Removal of window and glazed door to gable end of play room and insertion of bi-fold doors, removal of window to south elevation of play room and insertion of larger 3 pane window, replacement of full height window to utility for a fully glazed door, replacement of window to snug area for a full height…
Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of six dwellings and associated landscaping
The reinstatement of existing fascia signage following re-lamping. Suite comprises 3 no. internally illuminated white acrylic McDonald’s letterset and 6 no. internally illuminated yellow Golden Arch. The minor relocation of the existing wall mounted Banner.
Refurbishment of the restaurant with alterations to elevations, to include a 26.2 sqm back of house extension for improved storage and a bin store. The installation of 2 no. new Canopies over the Customer Order Displays (COD) and a Gallow style height restrictor. The introduction of 2 no. EVCP bays, replacement patio furniture, the relocation…
Replace existing interior concealed window with a formed structural opening.
Crown reduce overhanging branches by 1-3m of 1no Sycamore within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Reduce side by approx. 1-2m of 1no Copper Beech & lightly reduce by approx. 1m 1no Yew protected by the Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Manor Gardens, Belle Vue) Tree Preservation Order 2005 (Ref: SA/416)