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Planning Applications


Erect and display non-illuminated hoardings attached to the existing southern boundary fencing comprising 32 panels measuring 1.5m high x 2.5m wide that will be designed to showcase the Shrewsbury Flaxmill Maltings brand through the messaging and design, utilising the logo and the primary brand colours

Read more about 20/03854/ADV


Remove 5No. Hollies leaning on a wall within Belle Vue Conservation Area Replace with four trees specifically chosen for the difficult environment into which they will be planted.

Read more about 20/03865/TCA


Part two part single storey extension and associated alterations and improvements (modification to previously approved)

Read more about 20/03867/FUL


To fell 1No Silver Birch Tree within Belle Vue Conservation Area

Read more about 20/03870/TCA


Change of use from A1 retail use to C3 residential use

Read more about 20/03455/FUL


Hybrid application for a mixed-use development – FULL consent For formation of roadside services including a petrol filling station, a drive-through restaurant; drive-through coffee shop; creation of new vehicular access (off A458); on-site roads and parking areas; landscaping scheme; and, OUTLINE consent (access for consideration) for the erection of offices (Use Class B1)

Read more about 20/03570/FUL


Erection of single storey rear extension and internal alerations

Read more about 20/03668/FUL


Erection of single storey rear extension to form garden room

Read more about 20/03541/FUL


To reduce by 30% 1No. Magnolia Soulangeana and to fell 1No. Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Ellwoodii’ within Belle Vue Conservation Area

Read more about 20/03680/TCA


Works to remove deadwood, lift low crown over road, raise all round to balance and shape and selectively reduce crown of 1No Copper Beech protected by Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Meole Brace) Tree Preservation Order 2002

Read more about 20/03681/TPO


To trim back foliage by 50% of one Mulberry tree within Shrewsbury Conservation Area

Read more about 20/03709/TCA


Increase height of existing boundary wall on the northern perimeter of the property by five brick courses (45cm) for a length of 14m

Read more about 20/03413/FUL